7 Ways Sugar Hides in Our Food
guides, lifestyle, detox Kristen Files guides, lifestyle, detox Kristen Files

7 Ways Sugar Hides in Our Food

The sugar consumption of the average American is 22 teaspoons of sugar a day (1 tsp = 4 grams) and the total for the year is 130 pounds! This many not seem like a lot since we are used to seeing sugar everywhere. We are inundated with sugar! Never before in the history of man have we had an emergency need to lower our blood sugar. The results are devastating.

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Becoming a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
lifestyle, education Kristen Files lifestyle, education Kristen Files

Becoming a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Have you ever considered getting an education in the nutritional field but don’t know where to start? The choices can be overwhelming. Most accredited programs are rigorous in coursework, yet they follow the Standard American Diet and government MyPlate philosophies, which have shown themselves to be quite lacking if you consider the health outcomes of most of American society. Counting calories and macros is not my idea of nutrition!

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Six Steps to Naturally Radiant Skin
guides, lifestyle Kristen Files guides, lifestyle Kristen Files

Six Steps to Naturally Radiant Skin

Nadia truly breaks down all the complex factors that go into our skin’s health, and gives simple, actionable steps to get you closer to clear, glowing skin. The foundational principles: addressing your diet, hydration, blood sugar regulation, and fatty acid balance, are essential to overall health as well as glowing skin.

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Success Stories: Julia Rodriguez
lifestyle, food, success Kristen Files lifestyle, food, success Kristen Files

Success Stories: Julia Rodriguez

“I noticed the Ketogenic diet was a very common weight loss tool and the food looked like something I could definitely get used to. I basically went to my kitchen and threw away everything that wasn’t on the diet, filled it with the food I was supposed to eat and simply took it one day at a time.”

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10 Ways to Gently Detox in the New Year
lifestyle Kristen Files lifestyle Kristen Files

10 Ways to Gently Detox in the New Year

I personally do not think that the new year is a time to incorporate major detoxes and crash diets, setting yourself up for failure. But, it certainly is a great time to start fresh and incorporate some new healthy habits that will stick. Here are my top 10 ways to incorporate more healthy mindful eating and detox into your new year for better health…

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I Love Essential Oils
lifestyle Kristen Files lifestyle Kristen Files

I Love Essential Oils

Recently, I was introduced to essential oils. I was VERY skeptical at first, but through my own use, research and several classes I became convinced that they are an important part of natural healing just like eating clean, good sleep, and quality supplements… I see YL practices as an extension of my heart for supporting quality farming.

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10+ Easy Ways to Eat More Veggies
food, lifestyle, hacks Kristen Files food, lifestyle, hacks Kristen Files

10+ Easy Ways to Eat More Veggies

Once you decide to focus on eating veggies, it is actually a bit easier than you think. A recent study found that people who consume seven or more portions of vegetables and fruit per day have a 42 percent lower risk of dying from all causes, compared to those who eat less than one portion—and vegetables pack the greatest punch.

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