I am passionate about whole food, ancestral nutrition…

and I will use nutrition to help you to feel your best!

Who am I? And why am I qualified to help you?

Well, I am the wife of 1 great guy, a homeschooling mama of 4, a classical educator (13+ years!), a serious foodie and a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP). Other credentials include Master Restorative Wellness Practitioner and Board Certification in Holistic Nutrition.

I currently reside in lovely Austin, Texas. ATX is a foodie heaven! If you were to come visit my fam, we may not know all the things to do but we can take you to ALL the good places to eat. Some think healthy eating is about deprivation but for this foodie it absolutely is not! I am passionate about using real food as medicine and educating other mamas to do the same and feed their families well.

I encourage exhausted + overwhelmed women to reconnect with and nourish their bodies, and their families, through real whole food and lifestyle changes in an enjoyable and sustainable way that fits your way of living.

I know exactly what it feels like to have to love and care for others yet barely be able to function yourself. I was born tired! No joke. Energy and clarity of mind were things I seriously lacked. I used to tell my docs I felt like “half a person.”

But, over a decade ago I ditched the conventional approach and embarked on my real food holistic health journey. It totally changed my life! I cannot understate the impact.

My worst days now are far better than my best days before. Once you make the change, feel the difference, trust me it is hard to ever go back to that fast food life!

My current way of living/eating evolved in baby steps over the past decade. Small achievable changes sustained over time can making lasting impacts. Here at Forest Creek Wellness, I am all about progress, not perfection. I will work with you to get to the root cause of your pesky symptoms, to identify specific imbalances and deficiencies, and tailor a nutrition plan that works for your unique situation and lifestyle. No one-size-fits-all over here.

If you struggle like I did and you find the internet absolutely overwhelming, book a free 20-minute discovery call with me to see how I can help you implement long-lasting, positive health changes.

Decide to thrive, not just survive!

I understand how you feel…

Here's my own health journey in bullets:
  • Fought the Candida war and won, no longer crave sugar

  • Great energy, now nap for fun, not necessity

  • Feel refreshed and rested after sleep

  • Dropped 30+ pounds... and kept it off with ease

  • Motivated to do the things I love + be a good mom (no more yelling!)

  • Thyroid and anemia issues no longer on the radar

  • Short almost painless cycles

  • No longer allergic to bananas (thanks GAPS diet!)

  • Started exercise, ran several half marathons, Crossfit-ish ;)

  • Thinking and mindset changed COMPELTELY, wow, positive thoughts are so amazing!

  • Learned to cook and like it

  • Food tastes better than ever!

I am not perfect. I like to enjoy food and life. No restriction mindset for me. Although I still have occasional issues + struggles at times (really, who doesn’t?), my worst days now are far better than my best days before! This can be you too!

  • Chronic Fatigue, ALWAYS always sleeping

  • Chronic UTIs / Interstitial Cystitis

  • Horrible PMS and Cycles

  • Out of control sugar addict

  • Pre-diabetic/gestational diabetic

  • Terrible pregnancies

  • Brain fog and depression

  • No motivation, always irritable

  • Lots of extra weight

  • Anemia, always fighting illness

  • Thyroid issues, zero energy

  • Severe left knee, joint, wrist and low back pain

  • SEVERELY allergic to bananas

  • Not a single positive thought, depression

  • Lived on Totino's, Ramen + Hamburger Helper

  • Not a cook! Ugh!

Are you sick + tired of being sick + tired?

Not only have I been in your place and understand your struggle and changed my own life, but my years of nutritional education have also enabled me to craft a wellness roadmap that yields results.

My goal is to help you ditch the brain fog and regain your energy, so you feel your absolute best by helping you create a nutrient dense diet with foods you love, developing a realistic lifestyle that helps you feel your best and optimizes your nutritional status, so you feel energetic + vibrant.

If you realize that you need help, I would be honored to help you on your health journey.

Yes, I can help you! Here’s how and why…

  • Discover what foods set you off and what foods help you feel your best, focus on foods to add in, not just what to cut out

  • Heal your gut, support your adrenals and resolve hormonal imbalance + correct nutrient imbalances through diet, lifestyle and targeted therapeutic supplementation

  • Resolve your stress with hormonal support, and mindset + lifestyle shifts

  • Discover movement + exercise that you enjoy

  • Understand how your emotions and trauma effect your health + how to resolve them gently

  • Learn how to reconnect with your body, develop your innate wisdom and rebuild your intuition in relation to food

  • Test don’t guess! Utilize lab testing and/or muscle testing, when necessary, to ensure motivated compliance and see tangible results

  • Trained through the Nutritional Therapy Association. Nutritional Therapists identify specific nutrient imbalances and craft bio-individual protocols to support the client’s innate healing capacity.

    The “Functional” designation allows me to utilize hands on bodily reflexes, simple functional tests and neuro-lingual testing for assessment to determine the effectiveness of specific supplementation regimen.

    However, the true foundation of Nutritional Therapy is daily prevention of a disease state using a properly prepared, whole food, nutrient dense diet, lifestyle changes, stress management techniques and movement.

  • Trained through Restorative Wellness Solutions. The motto is of this program is “Test don’t guess.” This 4-level, 2-year program consists of in-depth training in human anatomy, function vs dysfunction, ability to run numerous labs and interpret them from a functional (not western/conventional) perspective and creating holistic restorative protocols that address and resolve the root cause of symptoms.

    Levels are focused on gut health (1), hormones (2), blood chemistry (3), genetics, neuro, mold and auto-immune (4).

  • Credentialed through the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP). For the evidence-based, dedicated nutrition professional this certification consists of a rigorous board examination, 1,000+ documented client hours, submission of several case studies and submission of yearly continuing education credits to ensure cutting edge, up-to-date nutritional knowledge.

    Additionally, I currently serve as secretary on the Continuing Education Credit Credentialing Board.

  • Trained through Inner Active Healing Systems, Champion Chiropractic, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Dr. Louisa Williams, Dr. Pia Martin and Dr. Ryan Osborne in muscle testing, matrix reflex testing, clinical applied kinesiology and advanced muscle integration technique.

    Muscle testing is a unique and dynamic way of communicating with a client’s body to get to the root cause of symptoms, to prioritize foundational organ systems that need support, to remove blocking factors and to determine a very detailed, bio-individual, therapeutic supplement program to support the innate healing systems of a client’s body.

  • Trained by Dr. Ted Koren, a world-renowned chiropractor, Koren Specific Technique (KST) is a revolutionary energetic healing system used to accurately locate and correct areas of blockage, stress, distortion or interference, that may often be overlooked by other practitioners.

    KST is an ideal method for “asking the body” to naturally make its own corrections and for addressing emotional factors. It honors the wisdom and knowledge of the brain/nervous system by never over-exceeding or undermining the priorities of the body.

    The process is done via the occipital drop (OD) for assessment and a corrective tool called the ArthroStim, which allows precise and accurate energetic support without the need for force.

  • RESTART, a program created by an NTP for NTPs and medical professionals, is a 5-week course that provides weekly live educational classes on how the body interacts with food through 3 foundational systems. It educates and empowers attendees to take back control of their own health.

    Included is a 3-week group sugar detox, meal plans, grocery lists, self-assessments and more. Alumni ditch the fad diets and learn to reconnect with their bodies, building their own knowledge and intuition, creating a long-term sustainable diet that results in stress free healthy, vibrant living.

  • The Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to widespread education in the ancestral traditions of food, farming and the healing arts, and supporting legislative activism providing access to healthy foods and medical freedom for all.

    I am responsible for maintaining a food resource list, connecting with local farmers and discovering local holistic food resources, attending area nutritional conferences, and holding local chapter meetings.