
Little Black Dress


No more hiding behind your “safe” pair of stretchy pants — learn the surprisingly simple habits and mindset behind a slim, sexy, sustainable body so you can wear what you love and feel amazing doing it…

in just 6 weeks!

Be honest with yourself…

  • Do you go overboard during the holidays?
  • Then crash diet in January?
  • Or maybe before a vacation or special event?

that’s not a fun way to live!

Even though we know 95% of people who crash diet will gain the weight back plus more…

So many women get themselves stuck in a terrible cycle of dieting, binging, giving up, and dieting again as soon as another holiday, vacation or special event rolls around.

For most women, the week or two before a vacation or special event is when the impossible “rules” start to come out…

The thing is, maybe you DO drop a dress size at the end of it all…

But the results never seem to stick, and a few months later, you’re back at the mercy of those impossible rules in a desperate attempt to slim down in a pinch… yet again.

But what if it didn’t have to be so hard?

And what if instead of crash dieting to fit into that little black dress you’d love to pull back out of your donation pile…

You learn how to eat, exercise, and even grocery shop in a balanced way that allows you to wear whatever you want, whenever you want?

An all-levels 6-week program to help you stay on track over the holidays, slim down + tone up quickly, easily, and sustainably so you can see results fast and KEEP them — no crash diets or crazy rules required!