Do I have adrenal fatigue?

Scoring Rubrik:

1-15 = Little to No Dysfunction. 

You handle stress fairly well. You are in the lucky small percentage of people who don't have overt adrenal stress. Your symptoms may be related to other issues like impaired digestion, and/or inflammation. Prevent adrenal fatigue by consuming a nutrient rich diet, getting physical movement and supporting your mind-body connection.

16-40 = Moderate Dysfunction. 

You may be experiencing the initial stages of adrenal imbalance and should consider reaching out for support before it becomes a significant issue. Again, arrest escalation by consuming a nutrient rich diet, getting physical movement and supporting your mind-body connection.

41-100 = Significant Adrenal Dysfunction. 

You are likely experiencing adrenal dysregulation. This is a major contributor to the root source of your energy depletion, fatigue, lack of mental clarity, stubborn weight and more. In fact, there are several stages of dysfunction, ranging from mild to full burnout. Three main types are: wired, wired and tired and just tired. Schedule a free discovery call to learn how to work together. We will work to discover your adrenal type and how to best support it, so you can resolve your symptoms and feel great again.

Next steps:

Based on your quiz results your health symptoms may be related to adrenal dysfunction. At Forest Creek Wellness adrenal recovery is my specialty! Here are the next steps to start working together:

1.) Schedule a free 20-minute discovery call to discuss symptoms and my adrenal recovery philosophy.

2.) Review my service guide and pricing (which will be sent after our consultation) to choose a level of support that works with your lifestyle and budget.

3.) Book a package and schedule your first appointment. Begin nourishing your adrenals right away with my simple yet effective Pre-Protocol as I take time to gather data and create a just-for-you recovery plan.

Simple tips to get started:

Stay Calm and Reduce Stress

Your adrenal glands are significantly impacted by high stress levels. Reduce the amounts of physical and mental stress in your life. This doesn't remove all stress from your life, rather slowly begin to remove/reduce the amount of environmental stress in your life including foods such as preservatives, hydrogenated fats and refined sugars as much as possible. For mental/situational stress reduce it as much as possible and then reframe your mindset/perspective about the stress that remains.

Hydration and Electrolytes

Thirst is the last indicator of dehydration. Dehydration is a great stress on the body, contributing to adrenal dysfunction and inflammation. Recent science shows that numerous disease states begin to develop when dehydration and inflammation take root in the body.

Furthermore, the adrenals love unrefined salt, electrolytes and vitamin C. For some people this can be the reason for salt cravings. Check out my dispensary for some high quality, practitioner grade electrolyte powder at a 10% discount.


If you suspect you have adrenal fatigue, share with a friend or family member and ask for support to help you reduce your stress and clean up your diet. Change can be hard, especially when you are tired, and accountability and support will increase your chances of success.

Find a knowledgeable practitioner to help you navigate recovery.

Trust me, you can feel better!

If you are struggling with extreme symptoms and loss of energy, it can feel like you might never get better. But that’s not true. I have been where you are at and understand your struggle. It is possible to feel 1000x better than you do right now.

You may feel like you have TRIED EVERYTHING! But I assure you, I practice differently. Learn more about my journey, my nutrition expertise and philosophy, and book a call so we can get to know one another and get you feeling WAY BETTER!