Forest Creek Wellness

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Nourishing Choices: 6 Simple Steps to Consuming Alcohol Mindfully

While it is obviously best for your health to not consume ANY alcohol, let’s be realistic.

Sometimes you want to just give yourself a little grace and enjoy life.

It may seem counterintuitive to discuss alcohol consumption within the context of optimal health, however understanding how to consume alcohol in the least harmful way can play a crucial role in supporting your overall wellbeing.

So, let's dive into some mindful choices you can make to enjoy a drink without compromising your energy and mental clarity.

1.) start with moderation

When it comes to responsible alcohol consumption, moderation is key. It's vital to be aware of your body's tolerance and set personal limits accordingly. Opting to consume no more than 2 drinks at a time on special occasions can minimize the potential harmful effects of alcohol, including energy depletion and cognitive impairment.

Daily alcohol habit? Just say no.

2.) choose better beverages

Make conscious choices when selecting your alcoholic beverages. Opt for quality over quantity, avoiding sugary, artificially flavored and colored drinks. More sugar = more liver burden. Select “cleaner” options such as organic wines or spirits and mixers made with natural ingredients. Consuming drinks made from organic grapes or even some gluten-free options can also minimize potential irritants that negatively impact energy levels and cognitive function.

Think high quality spirits, like gin or vodka, with soda and splash of lime.

Or add a shot of mezcal, a traditionally made spirit, to some kombucha.

A quality craft drink from a farm to table restaurant is a far better choice than a cheap frozen margarita.

Drinking is metabolically costly so choose something totally WORTH IT.

3.) prioritize hydration

One of the most important aspects of consuming alcohol responsibly is ensuring proper hydration before, during, and after drinking. Alcohol is a diuretic, causing the body to lose fluid, which can contribute to dehydration. Staying hydrated helps prevent energy depletion and mitigates the effects of a foggy head the next day. Hydrate well before your event. And aim to drink a glass of water between each alcoholic beverage and continue hydrating even after the occasion.

Pro tip: add some electrolytes to your pre game water.

4.) love your liver

Alcohol puts a significant strain on the liver, which plays a key role in detoxifying the body. By supporting this vital organ, you can minimize some detrimental effects. Choose to pair your drink with liver-supportive foods such as cruciferous vegetables, beets, garlic, turmeric, and green tea. Additionally, consider incorporating liver-supporting supplements with ingredients like beets, bile salts, milk thistle and/or N-acetylcysteine (NAC). These can potentially aid in detoxification pathways, promoting optimal liver health.


  • Beta TCP, Biotics Research

  • Liver GI Detox, Pure Encapsulations

  • Liver Support, Transformation Enzymes

Want quality supplements at a discount? Check out my online dispensary.

5.) nourish before and after

Ensure you eat a nutrient-dense meal both before and after consuming alcohol. A well-balanced and wholesome plate comprising healthy fats, quality proteins, and ample fiber can help slow down alcohol absorption. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as colorful fruits and vegetables, can also support your body's natural defense systems. Prioritizing nourishing choices before and after alcohol consumption can alleviate some of the energy-draining effects and promote cognitive clarity.

6.) stop stressing

When your body is in a stressed, flight or flight state, digestion is placed on hold. Who needs to digest a hamburger, or process a drink when danger is present? The problem is your body has trouble differentiating between primitive stressors (lion!) and modern day stressors (OMG, this drink is gonna Wreck my health!). Sometimes just stressing about what you are consuming make that thing indigestible when you may have been fine otherwise. If you make a choice, choose to ENJOY that choice. Then let it go and move on!

Do you feel bad the next day anyway? That’s OK, you learned some valuable info about what works for you and what doesn’t. Progress, not perfection.


While alcohol is not usually synonymous with optimal wellbeing, it is possible to consume it in a more mindful and supportive way. Moderation, smart beverage choices, hydration, liver support, and proper nutrition are key aspects of maintaining energy levels and brain function without causing unnecessary harm. By embracing these guidelines and seeking balance in all aspects of life, you can continue to navigate social occasions and enjoy alcohol while prioritizing your health and vitality.

Remember, moderation and mindful choices are the key to finding your unique sustainable balance.